
Local judiciary receives more than $4 million in three years

Local judiciary receives more than  million in three years

From 2019 to 2022, the Judicial Disciplinary Commission of the Mexico City Judicature Council He received 4 million 420 dollars against public servants, 2 million 287 sons against judges and titular judges and by the Ministry of Law.

The previous form is part of the registers that the Consejo de la Judicatura del Judicial power capitalino took this diary in the travels of the National transparency platform (PNT), and where the judicial authorities divided the records received as much as the entries, as well as the sanctions that received juice.

Las quejas ingresadas contra los servidores públicos, refieren las autoridades, fueron ingresadas por “any persona a la CNDH (Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos), à la CDHCM (Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México) ou au TSJ (Tribunal Superior of Justicia)”.

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In 2019, 432 people were registered in contra de jueces, y ocho contra jueces y juezas por ministerio de ley, es decir suplentes; in 2020, 373 against the titular juzgadores and 10 against those designated by the Ministry of Law; in 2021, 644 against jueces and 19 against jueces not titulares. For 2022, the quejas entered the Judicial Disciplinary Commission rondaron las 791, and 10 more against anything designated by the ministry of law.

At the same time of four years, personal administrators, secretaries of state, conciliators, magistrates, designers and lawyers also received requests. Social affairs secretaries are the second public servants of the Judicial power local with more quejas.

The information obtained is also specific that 14 days will be sanctioned by the administrative manner, from written allowances, private overviews and several of 15 days of salary including various articles of the Organic law of the Superior Court of Justice.

Ahí unfolded a list with the 14 numbers of los impartial justice that fuero sanctioned.

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Among the causes of receiving compensation in writing is the inclusion of article 220 section functions or work to be carried out.

Others will be amonestados by including article 226 of fraction V of the law, which says “not to send from time to time the offices or cause them to do the diligence that suits them”.

In the list you will notice that only one player will be sanctioned with 15 days of salary to include article 220 of the Organic law of the TSJjust in its fraction XIX.

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