
South Africa: Parliament event calls on Anglo American to answer for toxic legacy in Kabwe, Zambia

South Africa: Parliament event calls on Anglo American to answer for toxic legacy in Kabwe, Zambia

Next week, on Tuesday 29 October, Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) and Lord Peter Hain will host an event at the House of Lords, where a panel of regional, health and legal experts will discuss the impacts of lead pollution in Kabwe. , one of the most toxic cities in the world, where Anglo American operated one of the most productive lead mines in the world for almost 50 years.

A class action lawsuit has been filed in South Africa against Anglo American South Africa on behalf of approximately 140,000 women and children in Kabwe who allege harm from lead poisoning caused by Anglo American’s historic mining operations (more information on the trial in the notes).

The panel will include a discussion on the serious health impacts and implications of lead poisoning, particularly on children, the role of Anglo American in contributing to lead contamination in Kabwe, what life is like daily life in one of the most polluted cities in the world, and the legal file. itself – including Anglo’s defense of acting according to the ‘norms of the times’. Discussions will also cover the gap between Anglo American’s lack of accountability and responsibility and the commitments it has made to international human rights guidelines on redressing negative impacts on human rights. man and the environment.

Attendees, including MPs, peers, analysts, investors and civil society organisations, will have the opportunity to sign an open letter to Anglo American CEO Duncan Wanblad calling on Anglo to take action immediate steps to remedy this historic wrongdoing. The open letter has already been signed by a number of national and international charities working on human rights, children’s rights, health and corporate responsibility, and will be delivered to Duncan Wanblad and returned public after the event.