
How did many protests become an akzeptieren democratic state?

How did many protests become an akzeptieren democratic state?

Strassen Blockade

The committee of the “Act Now” group blocks access to the Swiss A2 motorway, May 9, 2024.

Keystone / Urs Flüeler

Street blockades, strikes and protests against works of art during the climate protests have given rise to legitimate Grenzen protests, both in Switzerland and in other states. Die Gerichte haben sich bisher nicht nachgiebig gezeigt. Do you want to see each other?

Vor kurzem sassen zwölf Menschen in einem Raum in Zurich and plant a Verbrechen. You have fruit in a building market, in a “leihen” factory, on the parade square, from the Herz der Schweizer Bankenindustrie, sleeps den Boden with aufbrechen pressure hammer and a Baum pflanzen.

It is important to note that the financial statements and the financial statements of the Grossbank UBS with the Infomaterials of the Klimawandel and the financial resources are included.

The ehrgeizig War Plan. Und er würde ne umgesetzt werden. There are many occasions when new workshops take place around a “free and free” stand, der im Rahmen einer Konferenz des Linken Thinktanks “Denknetz” within the group.

A moderated activity workshop “Extinction Rebellion” and “Debt for Climate” will take place, as will many perspectives in planning solchen action which will proceed as planned. Wer fährt die Autos? How can you see the Passantinns and the Passanten beruhigt werden?

“Seid ihr bereit für die ’emotionale Achterbahnfahrt’, die mit cesem Gesetzesbruch verbunden sein wird”, fragment of the moderator: And daran anschliessend: “Seid ihr bereit, die Consequenzen zu tragen?”

Denn tatsächlich haben Polizei et Gerichte auf den im Kontext des Klimawandels wachsenden zivilen zivilen zivilen stand sürbar reagiert.

A member of the Monat von der Climate Rights International (CRI) Gruppe veröffentlichter BerichtExternal link stellte fest, dass in achtlichen Democracy official Reaktion auf cese Protest often “unverhältnismässig” gewesen sei. They are available in Australia, France, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany, Germany and the USA.

A UN-Bericht kam früher in dieem JahrExternal link zu der gleichen Schlussfolgerung.

Ausgebremst im Gerichtssaal

The states’ response can be supplemented by similar forms, according to Linda Lakhdhir, director of the CRI law firm.

Manchmal caused the police to excessively attack a protest and actions by activists and activists, so Lakhdhir opposed an awareness campaign to begin with.

Anderswo, zum Beispiel in Deutschland, wurden Activist:innen-Organisationen direkt verfolgt, in einigen Teilen des Landes is the “Letzte Generation” as criminal Organization eingestuft.

Zuletzt, according to Lakhdhir, has a new Länder in charge of combating protests. In Britain there is a summer activist planning a street blockade for the start of the year. Das sei in “beispielloses Urteil” in der Geschichte der Klimaprozesse, schreibt das CRI.

Depending on the time of the report, Lakhdhir is concerned about the evolution of democracy as a traditional relationship for respecting the Grundrechten gelten.

Menschenrechte gegen Gesetze

In Switzerland, there is a fall of the year of ungehorsam, from blocked highways to an impromptu tennis match at a branch of Grossbank Credit Suisse.

Während die Schweizer Gerichte bisher not so streng waren wie jene en Grossbritannien, guaranteederte das Protestmotiv de schmelzenden Planeten dennoch keine Nachsicht.

The cycle of temperatures or the freedom of adaptation as well as the gentle factors which engage, will tend to date the rules, during this fall of the road, therefore a study by the University of Bern and Lausanne during of the year 2023.

Laut Clémence Demay, Ko-Autorin der Studie, liegt darin begründet, dass Schweizer Richterinnen et Richter sich der Dynamik zwischen Strafrecht und Menschenrechten nicht bewusst seien oder sich schlicht nicht dafür essierten.

The European Human Rights Tribunal (ECHR) has many arguments in favor of free action within the framework of corporate law and freedom of rights.

Doch die Schweizer Richterinnen et Richter, die häufig auf eine Form des Rechts spezialisiert sind, seien “es nicht gewohnt, den Menschenrechtsaspekt zu berücksichtigen”.

So that activists and activists strive to get to Seltenen, they will not fall into a state street and then immerse themselves in Geld Street and an entry in the traffic register.

Graeme Hayes, professor of sociology at Aston University of Gross-Britannien, said that the Graben zwischen Menschenrechten and Strafrecht are now located.

It turned out that such a fall occurred for a year and the protection against protest was stronger. I realized that the vanguard of the “öffentlichen Ärgernisses”, activists and activists at work, as they did in the transition did not take place in the fall, Hayes said.

Darüber hinaus erweitern die Gerichte die Definition aus, was also a “disruptor” or a golden protest “gewalttätiger”. In September, two companies from the climate sector will take place in 2022 in a Van-Gogh house with a suppe überschüttet hatten, in London, during the search for a state building, obwohl das Bild per a Rahmen geschützt war and not beschädigt wurde.

This auf staatlicher Gesetzgebung basierende Entwicklung,according to Hayes, ermöglicht es den Gerichten, une auf der Meinungs- et Redefreiheit aufbauende Verteidigung zu umgehen et härtere Urteile zu fallen. Die Tatsache, dass gewaltfrei Protestierende non Gefängnisstrafen erhielten, sei un “immense Wandel”, got away with it.

This response has a direct response to climate and other disruptive measures like “Black Lives Matter.” I see that we need to go beyond the statement, “Democratic Räume in the United States” to protest the stickers.

Ziviler Ungehorsam: a general concept

Doch was zählt überhaupt als ziviler Ungehorsam? The Abgesehen von der Übereinkunft, which is free to be able to exist within the Board of Directors, was its legitimacy.

Von Henry Thoreaus Essay aus dem Jahre 1849External link gegen un übermächtige Regierung bis zu Hannah Arendts Focus on zivilen UngehorsamExternal link and the form Kollektiven Handelns exists in a wider area for interpretation.

Zum Beispiel: Übten Protestierende gegen Covid-19-Massnahmen zivilen zivilen stand aus? The pandemic caused the death of many people caused by static masses of people, which were stopped with all means of political action by the authorities.

There is little chance that the unforeseen will not tire, and others are responsible for the intervention and consequences of Covid impossibility measures.


Kritikerinnen et Kritiker der Schweizer Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung du Coronavirus versammeln sich à Berne, October 2021.

Keystone / Peter Schneider

Laut Demay has responsibility for general management, with a workforce on personal motivations, a particular person or group zugutekommen, or an umfassenderen motivation, such as the study of an uncertain situation or an uncertain company.

“The Grenze are twice as political, and they are also exploited by diverse groups,” he said.

This duration is also present in frequent debates: comments, comments and comments online, which could be caused by men stuck in the next stage of work auf der Strasse.

In Germany, an LKW-Fahrer im vergangenen Jahr zunächst un Activisten gewaltsam von der Strasse zu zerren et fuhr ihn anschliessend anExternal link. In France, the leader of the “Öko-Terrorist” was himself the Minister of the Interior for air conditioning systems and security officers, along with the police.

Auch Schweizer Politikerinnen et Politiker zeigen wenig Sympathy. Während the rechte politische Spektrum von “undemokratischem” or “unsozialem” Verhalten spricht, haben self die zum linken Flügel zählenden Green versucht, sich von den heherenden Protesten zu distance.

“Habt Ihr nicht schon genügend Rechte?”

The fall of Switzerland is such that the system of democratic leadership must now be completed. This is a typical argument of the rich and rich in favor of the citizens, the people and the popular offensive, initiatives and referendums to begin with. Warum nicht Unterschriften sammeln, statt sich auf der Strasse festzukleben?

So, in fact, they do not die, respond the Activists and Actors. Zum einen handelten die Institutionen zu Langsam Angesichts der Klimakatastrophe. Zum 2sweiten stimmen weder die Bevölkerung noch das Parlament immer zum Schutz des Klimas ab.

Demay bezeichnet die Idee des demokratischen Zugangs als “Fiktion”. La Suisse biete zwar eine breite Palette an Partizipationsmöglichkeiten. Financial factors and the roles of interest groups are not up to par with the current situation.

Daher müsse “ziviler Ungehorsam une wichtige Rolle als Erweiterung des Rechts auf Protest spielen, des immer schon zugänglichsten Rechts für alle jene, die non an der institutionalisierten Politik teilhaben können”. Kurz gesagt: “Democracy is not perfect, but sometimes it can be done, but we still have verbs.”

Was this possible near the climate tests?

Please note that the food in Switzerland will be changed. I don’t have a date for the start of the year, but in the slow time there is a free examination based on the arguments of men’s rights.

There is always a place where a single place is often outside the Klimawandel zu diskutieren theme, if this is not the case, the catch has fallen to the load. Etere Fallen warten noch auf die Berufung, auch vor dem CEDH. Dort, Demau said, gave Lausanne tennis activities and operations a “good chance of winning.”

Menschen im Tennisdress in a bank

November 2018: Activities and tennis activities at a Crédit Suisse subsidiary. The action was led by Roger Federer, who launched an awareness campaign against the damage caused to the Grossbank.

Keystone / Martial Trezzini

Linda Lakhdhir from CRI is the most experienced. The only trend, if it is at any given time, can be the situation in the individual states, “uneinheitlich” is. In some cases, air conditioning and activity activities are undertaken by a specialist, before another free, or umgekehrt.

There was a fall in Germany, where a 65-year-old man made a road blockade for two years of rapid war, which helped secure the world war of free action.

Services are activities and activities for everyone else and positive management. Even though the air conditioning is still in motion, it is time to move forward, but it does not take into account the “Abschreckungseffekt”, the Angst vor physischen and psychischen Folgen von harten Polizeiaktionen et Strafverfolgung.

Obese Faktoren zivilen Ungehorsam wirklich schwächen, ist umstritten, mane schätzen, daraus könnten extremere Reaktionen entspringen. In Switzerland, the strategy of young people fails and the Klimaprotest group “Act Now” launches the blocking of the highways, without rushing.

Edited by Mark Livingston and Benjamin von Wyl, English translation: Petra Krimphove