
Has the CTF Baltic and the 2+4-Vertrag version been created?

Has the CTF Baltic and the 2+4-Vertrag version been created?

Brussels. The mission of the commander of the Task Force Baltic (CTF Baltic) of the German Marine to Rostock is engaged in further discussions. The Montag has the Russian Federal Ministry of Botsch after Alexander Graf Lambsdorff einbestellt, of the Federal Republic a Verstoß gegen den 2+4-Vertrag vorwirft. Zuvor sah sich das Verteidigungsministerium in Berlin bereits gezwungen, aeine Klarstellung zu veröffentlichen: “The CTF Baltic is the same NATO-Dienststelle”, says the ministry auf X mit. Was it a den Vorwürfen dran?

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Stutzpunkt in Rostock in the Nato-Hauptquartier

The Stützpunkt Rostock is in the hands of the Deutsche Marine and under its authority. This is not a new NATO headquarters, but it would be a bad verbal thing. The Rostock action will also take place within the framework of the Führungdessusgaben of the NATO-Bündnis in the Ostsee territory. The Kommandostab has established current shipping registers for the Ostseeraum and the Ostseeanrainerstaaten zur Verfügung.

German Navy soldiers must coordinate their operations and operations with their partners in Rostock, allowing them to be assured by another NATO service. The Bundeswehr team put, es handele sich a “national Hauptquartier mit multinationaler Beteiligung”. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass die Marine im Rostocker Führungszentrum mit 25 Austausch- und Verbindungsoffizieren aus elf anderen Staaten zusammenarbeitet.

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Hauptstadt Radar

Der RND-Newsletter aus dem Regierungsviertel. Immerse them in tags.

And when the official representative of the Baltic CTF of the Deutsche Marine was created, this is the principle of NATO structures. Im Bedarfsfall may be the Marcom of the NATO Maritime Kommando, Commander-in-Chief Vizeadmiral Didier Maleterre visited the Eröffnung in Rostock. A stakeholder within NATO-Bündnis can call on the Baltic CTF to provide Kommandostruktur for the implementation of NATO regional plans.

Marine-Hauptquartier in Rostock: What are the details of the Zwei-plus-vier-Vertrag

The second point of criticism corresponds to the position of the German Einheit geschlossenen Zwei-plus-vier-Vertrag. He is in charge of a NATO troop station in East Germany, in the direction of the Russian Ministry of Federal State. “Washington, Brussels and Berlin must be informed by Klaren within the NATO military authority about the NATO military infrastructure within the hemalytic DDR which had an initial negative response and has no response clear on the Russian page auskommen wird”, says Moskau. The German Botschafter Alexander Graf Lambsdorff has all the Vorwürfe laut einem Schreiben zurück. The intervention of the Bundeswehreinheiten within the framework of NATO structures, as well as within the framework of the hemalytic DDR, extends to twice as much as the first Vertrag. These are “a number of leaders of law enforcement and other NATO states in the ranks of international leaders within the framework of the organization of German troops and under the leadership of the Kommando of the Bundeswehr”, that’s what it’s all about. Kurz gesagt: Von einer Truppenstationierung can be until 25 Soldaten aus verschiedenen Ländern nicht die Rede sein.

DOCUMENT - 22.10.2024, Russland, Kasan: Wladimir Putin (r), president of Russland, and Dilma Rousseff, president of the Neuen Entwicklungsbank, schütteln sich während ihres am Rande des Brics-Gipfels im Kasaner Kreml die Hände. Putin employs the group's heads of state and management in the main city of the Russian republic of Tatarstan. Photo: Kristina Kormilitsyna/ via AP/dpa - ACHTUNG: Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung et nur mit vollständiger Nennung des vorstehenden Credits +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Russlands Kampfansage an die alte Weltordnung

Vertreter aus 32 Ländern, by unter 24 Staatschefs: Wenn Wladimir Poutine ab Dienstag im russe Kasan zum Brics-Gipfels lädt, geht es um die Schaffung un nouveau multipolar world. The group has returned from Germany – and Putin feels that international Russia is not isolated.

Expertinnen et Experten teilen diese Auffassung. A national headquarters within NATO’s Integrated Kommandostruktur according to the leadership council, said Lukas Mengelkamp from the Institute for Research on Frying and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). “The preliminary discussions concern words given by official officials until the end of the decision of a “Nato-Kommando” which has been drawn up, as was the case within the framework of the new government regulations”, said Mengelkamp dem Redaktions. Network of Germany (RND) ).

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Wissenschaftlicher Dienst: Unterscheidung zwischen Truppenverband und Stab

The Wissenschaftliche Service of the Bundestags will take place in 2017 during an imminent fall of the Schluss, law enforcement personnel and management of a central directorate – and security agencies – who will not be able to park the management offices in the other direction. The geographical stand is a solemn commando which is found within the political security if it is not in order, a verst is not the origin of the Vertrag liege nicht vor.

In NATO headquarters in Brussels, Rostock has a new design office for “one of the most brilliant viewpoints in the Ostseeraum”. NATO’s strategic strategy is huge, in the interior region of the United States is clear: when Russia is angry on the NATO-Gebiet plane, then in the Baltic. Allianz sees a new infrastructure of the Ostsee-Unterwasser-Infrastruktur by Russia. If you have a word in the Russian Federation, you will be able to find out more about Gaspipelines, Datenkabeln and Windparks.

Germany – with the great NATO Navy of the Ostseeanrainer – has the Kommando Anfang des Monats to zunächst vier Jahre übernommen and wechselt sichließend mit Polen et Schweden ab. Die Aufgaben werden dann aus theseen Ländern koordiniert.