
Sheet 37: January 2020: The mysterious Lungenkrankheit

Sheet 37: January 2020: The mysterious Lungenkrankheit

Alle Folgen von “Vier Jahre Trump”

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This audiobook is our project “Vier Jahre Trump”. Darin erzählen wir die Presidentschaft von Donald Trump nach, 48 months en 48 episodes. Alle Folgen hören Sie hier.

The transcript of the episode

MODERATION: January 8, 2020 veröffentlicht die New York Times einen Article mit dem Title: “China identifies new virus causing pneumonia-like illness” – in German: “China has identified a new virus, das Lungenentzündungen auslöst”.

Today this is not a problem, this virus is a widespread global virus.

In central China, a man has died following an outbreak of an unknown pneumonia-like virus, which authorities say comes from the same family as the deadly SARS virus.

BBC News

MODERATION: On January 21, the CDC announced the next drop of Covid-19 in the country. USA. The probe was launched on the 35th day at the Bundesstaat in Washington in the Northwest.

Now let’s move on to the growing concerns about the deadly coronavirus officially hitting the United States. Here’s what we know: A Washington state resident became ill after returning from Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began. Authorities now say more than 400 people have fallen ill and nine people have died.

ABC News


MODERATION: President Donald Trumpnonne im vierten Jahr seiner Amtszeit, spielt die Gefahr des Viruses von Anfang an herunter.

We have it completely under control. This is a person from China. Everything will be fine.

Donald Trump

MODERATION: Trotzdem: on January 29, the White House launched a zusammenzustellen taskforce. The group of companies deals with coordinated virus registration services. Most often it was the only Bundesstaaten tun.

On January 31, Trump attacks a travel robot: it is golden for an American hamburger, it will die on July 14 in China. Dort haben sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt 9,700 Menschen infiziert. Im Rest of the World at 106 Fall, dry davon in den USA.

A löchriges Verbot. Denn US-Amerikaner dürfen weiterhin ohne Einschränkungen zurückreisen.


MODERATION: Two big regional political themes in January: Nahost. Donald Trump is one of the members of the central political center, as well as the Friedensstifter of the second Israel and the Palestinian in the Geschichte einzugehen.

On January 28, Trump leaves with the Israeli minister-president Benjamin Netanyahu a press conference at the Weißen Haus. Palästinensische Vertreter are not used. Die verkünden den “Trump’s peace plan”. For Trump to be there “the deal of the century”. And Netanjahu is as sure as ever:

Mr. President, your deal of the century is the opportunity of a century. And rest assured: Israel will not miss this opportunity.

Benjamin Netanyahu

MODERATION: This is a fried plan, of the eindeutig Israeli Wünschen nachkommt. There is no democracy that does not include “Deckmantel zur Annexation”.

Israel has headquarters in the Westjordanland, Jerusalem in the main city. The Palästinenser bekämen zwar einen eigenen Staat, outside the own army or the law, the Bürger zurückkehren könnten. Israel’s hardliners embraced the plan to have Palestinian autonomy supported by their comfort. Trump thinks he’s found his own plan, he said, and I’ve finally found it.

This is something they should want. They probably won’t want it at first, but I think ultimately they will. I think in the end they will want it. It’s very good for them. In fact, it’s too good for them.

Donald Trump


MODERATION: Was Trump in January on Trump on January 22 at a press conference to launch the impeachment proceedings.

Now with me there is no lie, there is nothing. They have nothing.

Donald Trump