
Android 15 with features for all apps | iX

Android 15 with features for all apps | iX

Nach überraschend langer Wartezeit hat Google Android 15 veröffentlicht. Apps and Apps will get you started as soon as your apps and new platform version are launched. You have to think about what the new integrated functions are, auf Verhaltensänderungen des Systems zu reactieren.

Options for all applications

Android 15 uses them for several years in a larger programming memory, with a storage capacity of 16 KB. Traditionally, the system has only 4 KB on a single page. When more RAM is used for use, the performance level will be lower if the memory changes permanently and the blocks are changed. Allerdings verbrauchen Apps and ann auch geringfügig more Speicher. OEMs must configure the size of the systems building home page. Solutions for application development are possible when native code (by the definition of native SDKs) is allowed. In this fall you will find the application and all the new libraries available. We offer here and tests in the Google Developer Guide under the page “Support for 16 KB page sizes” (see