
Video shows 19-year-old attacking Mount Sinai Medical Center doctor

Video shows 19-year-old attacking Mount Sinai Medical Center doctor

MIAMI BEACH, Florida. — Surveillance footage played in court Wednesday captured the moments police say a 19-year-old man assaulted his mother’s gynecologist more than a week ago.

Ventura Del Castillo Perez appeared before a judge for a pretrial detention hearing, facing assault and battery charges related to the incident.

During the hearing, the victim’s son showed the jury photos of his father’s injuries, detailing the extent of the harm inflicted.

The attack took place on October 14 in Steven Silvers’ office at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach.

Carolina Perez, the doctor’s patient and the defendant’s mother, testified that she was unhappy after a June visit during which Silvers prescribed opioids. She expressed concerns about narcotics, citing her brother’s battle with drug addiction.

“I can’t have this,” she told the judge.

Perez said she told her son about the incident, but police said he went to Mount Sinai without her knowledge to confront Silvers.

Body-worn camera footage reveals how he explained the confrontation to investigators, detailing the accounts of witnesses to the altercation.

A witness reported hearing the attacker say: “You are not a good doctor. You treat your patients badly,” to which Silvers responded, “You’re just a child. »

A Miami Beach Police Department detective described the alarming condition in which he found the doctor, saying, “He was unconscious, not breathing, on the ground.” »

According to the report, Silvers, who lost consciousness during the attack, told police he did not remember what happened and did not even remember arriving at work that day. He said the last thing he remembered was someone talking to him about his Yelp reviews.

A prosecutor asked the doctor last week if he was afraid of Del Castillo Perez, to which he responded, “Absolutely.”

“Have you ever met the accused before this date?” » asked Glazer.

“No,” Silvers replied. “Obviously, I took care of his mother about a month ago. I’ll tell you he was waiting in the hallway, pacing back and forth, waiting for me. And I know this because I had an international patient waiting in the lobby by the elevators and she later told my staff that she was very nervous. She saw this person walking down the halls, down the halls before I arrived, and in fact, when all this happened, she didn’t even know who I was until she showed up for her appointment get you to the office at 9 a.m. and I realized that I was the doctor who was supposed to cure her.

Silvers described his injuries to the judge last week, saying he suffered a concussion, a hematoma on the right side of his head, a swollen collarbone, a bruised temple, a bruised right eye, a brain contusion and two ribs. broken.

Body camera footage obtained by Local 10 News showed the teen explaining to investigators that he did not intend to harm Silvers and that his actions were motivated by anger over his mother’s treatment. However, witnesses said they saw the teenager hit the doctor several times, causing him serious injuries.

Pérez Del Castillo’s lawyer, during the hearing, argued that the young man did not intend for the situation to become violent.

The defense emphasized that Pérez Del Castillo went to the hospital to express concerns about his mother’s care and not to attack the doctor. The lawyer said the teen acted out of emotion and that the physical altercation was not premeditated.

Despite the defense’s arguments, the judge is not convinced. After viewing surveillance footage, the judge called the attack “brutal,” saying the level of violence could not be ignored, even if Perez Del Castillo’s motivations were rooted in concern for his mother.

Judge denies bail and keeps teen in detention

Ultimately, the judge granted the state’s motion to keep Perez Del Castillo held without bail, determining that the risk posed by the defendant outweighed the defense’s arguments for his release.

However, the judge left the door open for the defense to file another request for release at a later date, opening the possibility of bail or house arrest if the defense can present additional evidence.

For now, Perez Del Castillo will remain behind bars as his case progresses. His legal team is expected to explore other options for his release while preparing for trial.

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