
Convention Wiesbaden Campus diskutiert zu “Nachhaltige Mobilität bei Veranstaltungen”, Wiesbaden Congress & Marketing GmbH, History

Convention Wiesbaden Campus diskutiert zu “Nachhaltige Mobilität bei Veranstaltungen”, Wiesbaden Congress & Marketing GmbH, History

The topics SDG, carbon footprint, CO2 emissions, Green Deal, Agenda 2030, Nachhaltigkeit and CSRD can be found in the event branch auf dem stigen Vormarsch. In your opinion, has this been said and how have these studies played out in the practice of planning solutions for the future? The team of Congress Wiesbaden lädt Fachleute, Eventprofis and Veranstaltungsplanende aus der DACH-Region am Dienstag, October 29, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. This is a new, exclusive and free presentation format of the “Wiesbaden Campus Convention” with practical tips, as well as advice from experts and experts and from your Best-Practice-Beispiele professors and donors in one click in the theme. “Nachhaltige Mobilität bei Veranstaltungen” zu gewinnen.

Mit insgesamt sieben Expertinnen et Experten diskutiert das Convention Wiesbaden Team im RMCC über Fragestellungen, comme „Welche konkreten Maßnahmen machen Ihre Events nachhaltiger?“ Or “What are the most advanced destinations and mobility solutions? ». During the year 2023, Germany will have 2.2 million businesses (digital and hybrid) and the German Convention Bureau will host 311 million people. Besonders auffällig: Etwa 46.6 % of vehicle sales with the own vehicle and – the investment revolves around 145 million people. This information will be clear, as is the case, of the reception capacity and mobility in the activity of the events branch on a global scale. Gemeinsam mit führenden Köpfen der Branche, as Richard Thompson III., Head of Mobility at dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG, Immobilienökonomin Susanne Bonfig Or Christian Badenhop, sales expert in the MICE hotel sectorwird nach Answermöglichkeiten gesucht, wie nachhaltige Kongresse gefördert werden können, How can mobility during events reduce CO2 emissions? and all-events are generally free and orientated. More experts and potential experts for the whole country Wulf Issinger, Head of Innovation at schoko pro GmbH, Conny Lobert, Head of Event Organization at ctc – Agentur für Markenkommunikation sowie Martin Schenk and Mirko Korder, Head of Corporate Organization at Potenzial Pioniere GmbH. Robert Frowein, Managing Director at the Wiesbaden Congress & Marketing GmbHwill be enriched by the theme of current affairs and mobility in clean homes, as well as by the Ort im RMCC, and the people here will be encouraged by the masses to benefit from it. The new aufgelegte congress für das RMCC is here for a good example, new companies or organizing bodies of this theme are addressed.

Die Teilnahme an der kommenden Campus-Veranstaltung ist vor Ort im RheinMain CongressCenter or digital möglich. Beide Teilnahmeoptionen sind free. An online study is announced and can be consulted. Link to our following information: Wiesbaden Campus Convention | Congress Wiesbaden

Near the Convention Campus

The format “Convention Wiesbaden Campus” was created in January 2020 with the Ziel entwickelt, sich über Digital Formate in Corona-Zeiten auszutauschen et mit Kunden in Contact bleiben zu können. Mittlerweile hat sich the Format zu einem festen Termin in der Brancheestablished. Greetings from the Convention Wiesbaden Team current Branchenthemen auf et lädt Panel gäste zum Austausch A. The Congress and Marketing Organization of the Eigenregie von der Wiesbaden Congress & Marketing GmbH was created and organized in such a way that everyone can take care of the organization – big or small, of the business, congress or convention, digital or program – plan, is free and Wird Digital übertragen.