
TEPJF of green light at the INE to continue the process of election of judges

TEPJF of green light at the INE to continue the process of election of judges

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The Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power (TEPJF) gave light to the National Electoral Institute (INE) to continue the extraordinary electoral process of the judiciaryscheduled for 2024-2025.

During this historic election, she will be designated, for the first time, jueces and magistrados in June next year. The decision was echoed by the town hall of the plenary assembly of the Court, which approved the declarative action requested by the INE to guarantee the legal security of the process.

Continuous process for the election of judges

With a divided voice, the magistrates Felipe de la Mata, Alfredo Fuentes and Mónica Soto pronounce themselves a favor, while Reyes Rodríguez and Janine Otálora did it on the contrary.

The project argues that will be unconstitutional to suspend an intermediate electoral process judicial resolutionsthus defending the autonomy of the INE in the organization of comics.

Magistrate Felipe de la Mata, responsible for the project, is confronted by the signalman who amparo judges should not intervene in electoral matterssubrayando que:

Amparo judgments will not solve electoral problems, just as we cannot divorce

Your statement is in the center preserve the exclusive jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunal in matters of electionsit is clear that this body is the only one responsible for resolving electoral conflicts.

Furthermore, the magisterial Janine Otálora expressed her disagreement, arguing that the Tribunal’s resolution must hope that the amparos are resolved relations with judicial reform.

Report a temporary intervention by the Electoral Court You could interfere with the work of district juzgadosthat you have issued certain suspensions in this case.

To assess differences of opinion, approval of declarative action Otorga al INE the certification necessary to advance in the organization of this extraordinary electoral processit is clear that the suspension will be contrary to public order and the democratic stability of the country.