
Director general suspends 11 teachers for “toxic climate” at primary school

Director general suspends 11 teachers for “toxic climate” at primary school

“It’s shocking for everyone. And we don’t know exactly what happened, or why they were suspended,” said Kamrun Nahar, whose daughter attends the Côte-des-Neiges school, in an article in the Montreal Gazette . “Eleven teachers at the same time?

Meanwhile, several Muslim parents with children at the school said they feared the suspensions would cast a negative light on Quebec’s Muslim community.

“If a teacher does something, he should pay for it,” said Houda, a 43-year-old woman who asked that her last name not be published, according to the same Montreal Gazette article.

“But I’ve never had a problem in 11 years,” she added, noting that she has one child who attends the school and two others who graduated from it. “No bullying, no yelling, none of that.”

Previously, Birju Dattani, appointed chair of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), left his position before even assuming office, following investigations into some of his actions prior to his appointment.