
Nadie laughed

Nadie laughed

Burla is the piedra de toque

good quality; I see no

I can support the burla,

no quality is enough.”

Leon Daudi

President Sheinbaum decided to get involved in the bandera nacional and make a gala out of her patriotism. “Nadie se burla des mexicanos y de las mexicanas,” she told the mother as she addressed the risks in a Harvard University Law School seminar before Minister Alfredo’s explanation Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena on the requirements for Ser Eleto Juez in Mexico. “We have enabling legislation and without bromeo, we have an excellent promedio of 3, our Constitution dice eso, and 5 tus vecinos recommendation cards” (the promedio of 3 in Estados Unidos is equivalent to the Mexican 8). The explanation risks occurring between the jurists of the seminar.

A Sheinbaum attacker responded in his speech: “The people of Mexico made a decision and chose games, games. A mí me toca Defender a mi pueblo ya mi país ya mi patria ya all mexicanos too. So he may be recognized by the Harvard school, but it will be good for the school to be investigated for corruption in the Mexican judiciary. In Mexico, there is a decision that exists in the United States, or on the sea, and in the United States, it is their belonging. And even more, the States of the Republic and the United States have the vocation of being part of the political party.”

Coincided with the president. The election of local judges – any federal – in the American Union is an incorrect and questionable procedure. Although the reporter of the Morist Minister Loretta Ortiz on November 26, 2023 recorded the case of a local match in the United States which decreed the death penalty against a Mexican weight who had made tests of his innocence: “To that moment, the concern, ‘¿por que emitió esa sentencia?’. He said it clearly: “This is what gives me the most popularity, it is my chance to advance in my judicial career”, and this is what we cannot allow.” Criticism of liberal groups in the United States for encouraging local jueces, which defend conservatives, is constant.

In the United States, unless you can apply as a competitive candidate with the required qualifications, you will have less than 10 years of experience as a lawyer to be a Minister of the Supreme Court or a Magistrate of the Court of Operations from Texas. In Mexico, according to the new Constitución morenista, only candidates approved by an evaluation committee could be applied. This is where the task of the leaders of the hegemonic party falls. It is not surprising that the President of the Senate, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, and the coordinator of Morena deputies, Ricardo Monreal, worked on the members of the evaluation committee to be able to listen to them.

Also coinciding with the president, this judicial reform should not be a reason for risk. The problems you will create will be very serious. La Cuarta Transformación wants a system so that the games are controlled directly by the executive, as in the times of the PRI. Much of the control will be exercised by a disciplinary court. which does not exist in the United States.

The president argued that this judicial reform caused corruption and nepotism in the judiciary, while her legal advisor Arturo Zaldívar was eliminated with her 2021 reform, when he served as president of the Supreme Court. But there is nothing average in the new reform that requires a path to reach these men. On the contrary, 4T, which is characterized by the entry of public goods according to criteria of nepotism, influence and political right, has no preparation, but only eliminates the independence of the actors.


Between October 1 and 11, Mexico spent 18,354.41 million pesos established in Mexican government instruments, reports economist Gabriela Siller of Grupo Financiero Base with data from Banxico. This is a manageable situation today, but worrying. Habra que estar attentiveos.