
Moselle. Educational mushroom picking in the Zetting forest: be careful of poisoning

Moselle. Educational mushroom picking in the Zetting forest: be careful of poisoning

Since the beginning of July, more than four hundred people have been poisoned by mushrooms in France. “They are essentially linked to bad practices,” according to Gilles Weiskircher. This mycologist renowned for his knowledge arranged to meet us in the Zetting forest for an educational gathering. Veterinary inspector in Strasbourg for state services, he is inexhaustible on the subject. This passion for the world of sporophores has come to him since his earliest childhood when he went to pick them in the woods with his mother.

Observer and identifier

Basket under arm, we set off off the beaten track to examine the ground covered in foliage. “You should definitely not put them in a bag because even edible ones can become toxic by quickly developing mold. You should avoid mixing varieties in the same basket if you are not sure…