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Lake of Lies – Found, by Leonie Lastella, published in dtv Verlag on October 17, 2024
Booklet 464 pages

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A new student lived the life of River Durcheinander. And then now, within the little Halbschwester and within Mutter, the breast Leben nicht unbedingt leichter machen. Zudem sitzt ihm der criminelle Clan seiner Kindheit immer noch im Nacken. He trained at Allen Ecken and Kanten bei River, seine einzigen Verbündeten sind seine Ex-Freundin Via and their new Freund Miles.

Meine Meinung
I had to make myself heard by the second group of the Lake of Lies dilogy. Is Wird River a mithilfe seiner Freunde schaffen, does the criminal clan find itself alive and is it for your Taten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden? Now we see the river at night at the entrance and then at the Studienplatz. Denn aufgrund des Anschlages auf ihn ist das Stipendium aufgelöst worden. River found a job with a professor and will be appointed today by a new student in June. This commitment is not without fault… The man of her life realized that he was making a move and that he seemed clear, generally speaking. The journey of the road is long and takes place long-term.
Leonie Lastella is also here for me. The story will be made up of big tents in full view of River and June. And there is also an unknown mysterious player here. Mit viel Spannung et ebenso si viel Emotionen verfolge ich die Zukunft et die Vergangenheit der Zwei.
It fell on me too today, I worry in River and June hineinzufühlen. Die Gefühlswelt der Figuren ist greifbar. Ängste, Sorgen, Verzweiflung und Schuldgefühle are here sehr greifbar. But also the old/new Liebe hat mein Herz ignited. The setting is very rich in gut and has the same character.

Auch im Abschlussband weiß Leonie Lastella ihre Leserinnen zu begeistern. Your diagram is a means of reading and in-depth understanding has a link in the page. Here I understood everything and am ready to read everything at my cost. Die Dilogie Lake of Lies made my guts drop and I couldn’t say it. Von mir gibt es 5 Hühnchen und eine Lesempfehlung.«