
Latest Middle East News: Netanyahu calls ‘assassination attempt’ a ‘grave mistake’ – as dozens killed in Gaza strikes | World News

Latest Middle East News: Netanyahu calls ‘assassination attempt’ a ‘grave mistake’ – as dozens killed in Gaza strikes | World News

By Matthew Thompson, press correspondent, London

Several thousand people took part this morning in a new demonstration against the war in the Middle East.

The usual banners flew, alongside the flags of Palestine and Lebanon. Peace requirements. Demands for a free Palestine. And as always, the anger is directed at Israel, which these protesters view as an aggressor, bringing the region to the brink of a broader conflict.

The protest was organized by groups such as Stop the War and Palestine Solidarity Campaign, which have participated fairly regularly since the start of the conflict. And well before in fact.

But there is also anger at the British government. So does the American government. Protesters view both as complicit in Israel’s actions.

A Lebanese woman told me she went out today because she had family who had been displaced by the Israeli incursion into her country. Another man said he had participated in several protests to make his voice heard.

I of course presented them with the obvious counterargument that Israel sees itself as under attack from banned terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas. But there is little mutual understanding when it comes to the Middle East. It is the most controversial global issue.

However, overall the temperature, although there was clearly anger in the air, was low and quite peaceful. It was very lightly monitored.

Around 3:45 p.m., the crowd began to disperse. But with the wish that they will return again and again until they see the end of the conflict.