
Banken überzeugen: Solider Start in the Berichtsaison brings positive impetus

Banken überzeugen: Solider Start in the Berichtsaison brings positive impetus

Berichts’ season began with a Paukenschlag, with the big banks übertrafen die Erwartungen der Analysten Deutlich. Investors are reacting positively over the holidays and due dates – leading to a sell-off at Nvidia (NASDAQ:) in the market through today. I am in contact with Morgan Stanley (NYSE:) to make the market bigger in Kurs and reach the greater United States.

Today during Donnerstag, another sector in the spotlight: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (NYSE:) is setting up for another racing rally. With the new KI-Chips product line, you’ll find heavy-duty media featured – a trend that means the “so far” TSM will last.

So other big KI players, such as Nvidia, AMD (NASDAQ:) and Apple (NASDAQ:) and Microsoft (NASDAQ:), are catering to the biggest tech entrepreneurs.

At the beginning of the analysis period, there is a clear solution: research analysts have a high chance of success and investors are free. Genau das ist bei den Banken eingetreten – allerdings nicht ohne Einschränkungen.

Do you want banks to have relevant information about them?

All major banks have had to implement earning strategies, and they are also available from Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:) for insurance implementation operations. The meisten Bankaktien (NASDAQ:) are very well informed. Wells Fargo has the right to pay up to 6% of the Umsatzprognosen. It is therefore a question of another Ausnahmen: Citigroup commits to Kennzahlen, then the company rutschte um 5 % ab, nachdem erhöhte Rückstellungen für Kreditausfälle bekannt gegeben wurden. Bank of America (NYSE:) has positive results, but the stock market is not available.

Insgesamt war die Stimmung im Bankensektor jedoch optimistic.

Consumption trends are stable: US board support cannot be used. Zwar sind die Ausgaben stable, jedoch zahlen Verbraucher ihre Kreditkartenschulden langsamer als sonst ab. If you are not aware of the Kreditaufnahme gefördert, aber der Immobilienmarkt hat die erhoffte Erholung noch nicht erlebt.

The era of investment banking is so clear: Goldman Sachs (NYSE:) and Morgan Stanley benefited from quarter trading and M&A activity. Thanks to the Federal Reserve’s young strategy with credit money under even more attractive economic conditions, the potential for further transactions in the Monaten Kommenden was implemented.

Handel mit gemischten Ergebnissen: The trading company is faced with the situation of large banks, which are linked to the management of festive paper currencies (FICC) in a war of return forward, in a negative fall.

Fazit: “Sanfte Landung” in Sicht? JPMorgan (NYSE:) sees the world on a good path. Financial director Jeremy Barnum launched into the results call, in order to ensure the direction of a “sanften Landung” of the general management of the American company. A positive signal is being sent to other major banks.

Third Quarter Results Dashboard

For the 2024 quarter, there will be an S&P 500 success rate at 4.1% – the first quarter will be in time with the rate of return. This combined Zahl bereits gemeldete Ergebnisse mit Schätzungen für noch ausstehende Berichte. The Umsatz is therefore 4.6% im Jahresvergleich wachsen.

The information technology, communication services and communication services sector should be clearly presented. The energy sector must be structured around a single piece, in a way that is both efficient and effective.

Wachsende Unsicherheit – and the people of Wahlen?

It is interesting to have another tendency: Immer more Unternehmen verschieben ihre Gewinnberichte. The Group will arrive on November 5 within the American presidential committee. In Wahl’s Wife, Q3 season is normal in height, but many of the watch execution drawings are in the house before arriving, but there is no room in the dashboard.

The “Late Earnings Report Index” (LERI) has a value of 278 above the base value of 100. The signal of uncertainty among employers has been deren kurzfristige Alsochten berrifft. Again 11. Oktober haben bereits 105 Unternehmen ihre Berichte verschoben.

Late Earnings Report

Was it a first wife?

The price of your wine is not the same as the season of the season, but it is also the same as the previous one. Am Mittwoch wird Tesla (NASDAQ:)) is also the first to have the title “Magnificent 7”. There are 3M (NYSE:), Texas Instruments (NASDAQ:) and Honeywell (NASDAQ:) interested in the industrial sector. Yesterday the Erwartungen verhalten: Ein Gewinnnwachstum von lediglich 1% et ein Umsatzwachstum von 0.1% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr werden erwartet.


Höhepunkt der Berichtsaison in November

The intensive phase of the preparation season will take place from October 28 to November 15. In this time, we have more than 2,000 subscribers for your requests. On November 7, there will be 1,475 people in charge of the Breast Tag activity.

So far, 59% of entrepreneurs have the best benchmarks. The rest relies on historical dates and can do so up to the present.

Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Season