
Merck Market-Perform by Bernstein Research on 10/18/24

Merck Market-Perform by Bernstein Research on 10/18/24

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyzer) – The US-Analysehaus Bernstein Research was created for Merck KGaA auf “Market-Perform” with a price of 176 euros. Analyst Florent Céspedes was named as an analyst in a recent study on the life sciences market from Sparta Life Science. Hinzu komme die Anhebung der Prognose für Electronics. Dies zusammen sollte die Entwicklung im Jahr 2025 en Richtung der mittelfristigen Wachstumsziele der Darmstädter broughten./ajx/la

Verification of the Original Studio: 18.10.2024 / 12:32 / UTC Release of the Original Studio: 18.10.2024 / 12:32 / UTC

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