
Most common causes of domestic arguments revealed – one will surprise you | United Kingdom | News

Most common causes of domestic arguments revealed – one will surprise you | United Kingdom | News

Messy bedrooms, oversleeping, not sorting homework and too much screen time are among the most common “argument triggers” among British families, a new study has revealed.

Raising teenagers in Britain in the 2020s is not getting any easier – despite more and more devices and tools intended to make family life easier – under the pressures of modern life, research suggests .

Now a survey by printer brand Epson has revealed the top 13 triggers that cause blazing arguments between Gen Z teens and their Gen X parents.

And some of the most common ones include kids having messy rooms, not doing their homework, the way they treat their siblings, the food they don’t want to eat, and spending too much time on their phone or laptop. games console.

Children who are slow to get out of bed for school, college or work also cause unnecessary stress for parents – and sparks will also fly over the fact that they don’t get enough fresh air .

Parenting expert Dr Amanda Gummer, who worked at Epson and has more than 20 years’ experience working with families, said: “Most parents have faced a constant battle with their children to keep their clean and tidy rooms.

“I would advise parents to be consistent when pushing their children to keep their rooms tidy and to clearly explain why it is important to do so.

“Let them know this is to teach them that their bedroom is their sanctuary and safe space that they need to respect and keep clean.

“Parents should also lead by example and ensure their rooms are tidy to set the standard they hold for their children.”

Meanwhile, the top tech-related reasons for family drama are: 1 – Bad Wi-Fi (47%); 2 – Uncharged devices (39 percent); 3 – Forgotten passwords (34 percent); 4 – Lack of printer ink (29 percent) and 5 – Laptop interrupting work with regular updates (22 percent).

Dr Gummer added: “It is very common for families to have conflicts around homework and it is no wonder that technical problems can lead to family arguments.

“Everyone knows the pain of Wi-Fi suddenly not working and the sinking feeling of realizing they haven’t ordered ink for the printer.

“I would advise parents to take a breath before letting technical issues cause arguments: sit down, talk to them and figure it out together.”

While messy bedrooms (45 percent) and disagreements over screen time (43 percent) top the survey, homework is more of a minefield for parents due to the consequences of not -discount.

British secondary schoolchildren have an average of 12.5 hours of homework each week – the equivalent of more than six working days a month, meaning parents are faced with to a constant battle to persuade their child to study.

And children are increasingly being asked to use technology to complete or supplement their homework – from researching to printing homework for correction.

According to the study, one in four schools (25 percent) now regularly set printable homework, and one in five families (22 percent) frequently have to print educational materials at home because schools do not provide them.

The study reveals that four in five families regularly experience computer, tablet or printer problems at home (83%), leading to arguments and arguments.

More than half of families (56%) said they experience the feeling of “printer panic” – the feeling of horror when key documents like homework or learning materials need to be printed but the ink runs out.

Epson is looking to alleviate some of the family drama associated with homework with its ReadyPrint Flex ink subscription service.

Owen Vloothuis, ReadyPrint Product Manager at Epson Europe, said: “We understand the pressures that homework can put on students and their families.

“It is understandable that this could lead to tensions within the country, especially when technological issues come into play.

“Everyone knows the pain of forgetting a password or logging in to Wi-Fi, which can be even worse when you need to use your laptop for an assignment or print out learning materials.

“Unfortunately, we can’t help with forgotten passwords, but when it comes to running out of ink at a crucial time, we absolutely can.”