
JP Morgan Quartalszahlen: Sinkende Zinsen, Fallde Aktien? Prediction and preview

JP Morgan Quartalszahlen: Sinkende Zinsen, Fallde Aktien? Prediction and preview

Composition of the American flag, the dollar and the graphic (Photo: Freepik, halalstock) JP Morgan Quartalszahlen: Sinkende Zinsen, Fallde Aktienkurse – Prediction and Überblick

The problem is in American banking. (Photo: Freepik, halalstock)

New York – In the current phase by 2022, banks have been very attentive – is this time not planned? When the JP Morgan Chase Institute Global Group opened its doors for Q3 2024, it implemented maintenance measures and did not accept the seasonal factor.

Now it will be announced in 2022 that the Acts of the Year will be taken into account by Federn. Dem Allzeithoch Fin August (price 225 US dollars) had a higher price. Offenbar reactierten die Markte dabei auf Zweifel von COO Daniel Pinto, number 2 at JP Morgan, due to business services.

Einmaleffekt durch Visa-Aktien – Problems in the 3. Quartal

So this is the 2nd trimester. The quarter passes above: investment exceeds 51 billion US dollars in the coming years, the value of trust is 18.1 billion dollars up to 14.5 million dollars in 1 quarter of 2024. The ads have an unacceptable report. mit Visa-Aktien das Gesamtergebnis beeinflusst.

Die Lage im 3. Quartal könnten einige dämpfende Faktoren beeinflussen: Dazu zählen die saisonn bedingt schwächeren handelserlöse, a stagnierendes Kreditwachstum angelichts nach wie vor hoher Zinsen, entsprechend hohe Zinszahlungen auf Einlagen et höhere Kreditrückstellungen .

Absicherung gegen Risiken – what is the best investment?

The US-Wirtschaft has a general decision, which is intended for Australia. The bank’s accounts, which are the same as the Bank, have been placed on the bank’s behalf, but 2. Quartal starker als gedacht anstiegen, war ein Warnsignal. Diese Kennziffer has been dealing with the market for many years.

And investment banking services are available in the 3. Stronger Quartal? Das ist aus Sicht von Beobachtern nicht ausgemacht. It is important to ensure that companies are committed to engaging in public affairs management, when the financial market is in a phase of restructuring and financial assistance.

Dimon verweist auf Extremrisiken – Analyst: Druck auf Margen

“Analysis of markets and credit spreads is one of the most common thinking patterns, but it is very likely that they are extremely risky,” CEO Jamie Dimon said of the Ergebnisse des 2. Quartals. Besonders geopolitische Lage sei gefährlich.

“Schwaches Kreditwachstum, ici Einlagen, Anstieg der Rückstellungen für Kreditverluste wegen der höheren Arbeitslosenquote – all das wird zu einem Druck auf die Margen führen et la Nettozinsergebnis moderat nach unten ziehen,” said Stephen Biggar of Argus Research.

Prediction: US-Banken 2025 and 2026 – JP-Morgan-Büro in Munich

Analysts also work on JP Morgan and other major US banks in the financial sector of their business. So, the experts from financial advisors Keefe, Bruyette & Woods chose the bank branch in 2025 at 8 percent, in 2026 at 12 percent.

Maybe it helps the new market? JP Morgan schickt sich an, in Deutschland stärker im Segment Vermögensverwaltung mitzumischen. The American bank is setting up not far from Frankfurt in an office in Munich, an ideal location for the south of the country. Auch ein Standort in Berlin is requested in Planung.

Information on Gewinn and Umsatz

JP-Morgan-Ergebnis forecasts for the 3rd quarter of 2024 are announced for an amount of 3.99 US dollars announced by 17 analysts on In the 3rd quarter, today people intend to act for 4.33 US dollars, 6.13 US dollars for the 2nd quarter of 2024.

Then you will find the Experts with one of the Rückgangs. The amount of 41.43 billion US dollars corresponds to the pattern of the 3rd quarter in dollars, then the amount of 75.94 billion US dollars in 2nd quarter and 62.16 billion US dollars in the US dollar. Das Geschäftsjahr ends on December 31.

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr auf Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit et Actualität. The text is intended for transport companies or operating companies.