
Künstliche Intelligenz: Google va KI-Rechenzentren mit kleinen Atomkraftwerken betreiben

Künstliche Intelligenz: Google va KI-Rechenzentren mit kleinen Atomkraftwerken betreiben

Google will launch a development project for artificial intelligence (KI) using a small modular atomic reactor platform. By 2030, the Internetkonzern Energie will power the new small reactors of the entrepreneurs Kairos Power, as well as the entrepreneurs in a mitteilte blog article. Until 2035, the current power of 500 megawatts is available.

It’s a craft job or business, said Google executive Michael Terrell. Financial Times. This is often the case today, passing through reactors in the network or being made directly available to research centers. Find out the financial details of the offers – and consult Google of the Bau der Kraftwerke mitfinanzieren ou nur Strom nach der Fertigstellung beziehen will.

“Wir sind der Meinung, the Kernenergie aa wichtige Rolle spielen kann, um unseren Bedarf rund um die Uhr auf sauber Weise zu deck,” Terrell said ourselves. Kairos partners need to address US nuclear regulations and local authorities – a process that could take place during the year.

A response to ChatGPT indicates that your energy is so strong that a Google search

The KI-Boom has a low level of protection and immense protection against parasites thanks to the good entry dates with their use. Training and Betrieb von Software mit künstlicher Intelligenz benötigen viel Aktivität in Rechenzentren, es a hohen Stromverbrauch mit sich bringt. A response from ChatGPT indicates that your business has such energy as that of a Google-Search.

In May you will be informed by the Electric Energy Research Institute of the Electric Energy Research Institute, which has published dates until the end of the years until a new bill on US e-commerce. Damit würde sich ihr Verbrauch mehr als verdoppeln.

The studies by Goldman Sachs analysts will take place in 2023 and 2030 as part of market studies by American research centers and will result in savings of 47 gigawatts. The KI-Entwickler OpenAI also has solar installations and online games to help you find great dimensions in your game.

Kompakte Reaktoren, die noch auf Zulassung warten

Unternehmen wie Kairos setzen auf kleinere, sogenannte modulare Reaktoren, die Vorteile bei den Kosten et bei der Sicherheit bringen sollen. Now you can find out about the Unternehmens of the Kairos which are modular in Reaktoren zum Ende des Jahrzehnts et Netz gehen. The small reactors are complete and can be easily installed. The technology is in place today in the applications and it has a good grasp of the technology, which allows the company to operate in the same way at the best work of manufacturing basic products.

A study on the modular components of the reactors of Google’s cooperation partner Kairos is located underground, because it is not powered by water and flour salts mixed with chemicals. Kairos argues, dass seine Construktion allein schon dadurch sicherer as herkömmliche Reaktoren sei, que le Kühlflüssigkeit nicht verkoche. I am spending a month in Kairos for genetic research for a first tester at the US-Bundesstaat Tennessee.

Klimaversprechen kollidieren mit KI

Google is not the first digital deal, but Atomkraft’s. Technical Konzerne like Amazon and Microsoft There are maintenance agencies for Atomkraft’s manufacturing facilities, whose mission is to provide power to the research centers on deck.

Ursprünglich hatten sich die großen Digitalkonzerne zum klimaneutralen Wirtschaften verpflichtet et griffen en den vergangenen Jahren immer immerger aterneuerbare Energien zurück. The same will be true for Google by 2030, ultimately in a climate-neutral climate. Zum Erreichen solcher Ziele wird der Ausstoß von klimaschädlichem Kohlendioxid durch Gegenmaßnahmen wie das Pflanzen von Bäumen ausgeglichen.

It is now available on the Anteil CO₂-free Energie im Verbrauch von Googles Rechenzentren et Büros bei 64 Prozent. The CO₂-emissions are limited to one year or less for 13 days. The Energy Council of Research Centers plays a central role in Rolle Dabei. Google versucht, mit seiner Suchmaschinendominanz auch bei KI un Vorreiterrolle zu übernehmen.

An all-in Reaktorblock for Microsoft

On behalf of Google, Microsoft has been offering a reactor for several years at the US atomic plant on Three Mile Island in the US Bundesstaat, Pennsylvania, which is working more extensively. In the Anlage there was a schwerwiegendste atomic fall in 1979 in the Geschichte of the United States. The Softwarekonzern says that the production of Energie lasted 20 years. The reactor has a power of 800 megawatts.

Microsoft has announced that from 2030 its CO₂ emissions will be higher. Until 2050, therefore towards Microsoft, only the Kohlendioxidausstoß system of companies will be the Firmengründung bereinigt werden. Microsoft is committed to using the ChatGPT-Erfinder OpenAI tool and the technology integrated into the Chatbot in the practice of all its products.